elles Geschrieben 20. Oktober 2002 Geschrieben 20. Oktober 2002 (bearbeitet) Auf was für Ideen man im Urlaub kommt...<br /> Auf jeden Fall würde ich mal gerne wissen welche Textpassage ihr fantastisch findet (oder am besten)! Ich finde es zwar recht schwierig aber es sollte zu schaffen sein. Meine kommen auch noch später *gedankenmach*<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ps: bitte kein "I want to be a girl"...bittebitte Bearbeitet 24. Juni 2004 von Elleshar Tindómerel Zitieren
Neniel Tindómerel Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Hmmm, ja im Prinzip natürlich diese Textpassage beginnend mit "In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit..." bis "Well", said Sam, "I´m back again." Nein, ehrlich, ich müsste richtig drüber nachdenken, es gibt so viele tolle Szenen. Spontan würde ich aber auf jeden Fall das Lied von Lúthien und Beren nennen, das Aragorn den Hobbits vorsingt. :-) Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Autor Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Ich meinte zwar eigentlich aus der Musik (jetzt mal nicht undbedingt HdR), so ist aber auch in Ordnung - Editiert von Elleshar am 21.10.2002, 20:08 - Zitieren
Gast Tawariel Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Aus dem Lied "In western lands": "...or there may be tis cloudless night and swaying beeches bear the elvenstars as jewels white amid their branching hair." und etwas später im Text: "Above all shadows rides the sun and stars forever dwell. I will not say the day is done, nor bit the stars farewell." ....also, dass ist im Augenblick eine meiner Lieblingszeilen, aber es ist echt schwer! :O Zitieren
Aglandiel Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2002 Aus dem Lied Brothers in Arms von den Dire Straits : there's so many different worlds so many different suns and we have just one world but we live in different ones Ich finde, das sagt alles! Mein absolutes Lieblingslied, auch von der Melodie her... Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 22. Oktober 2002 Autor Geschrieben 22. Oktober 2002 Hier mal eine die ich sehr schön finde: They can try to bind our arms - but they can`t chain our minds or hearts - we will keep our faith in our souls - and never let it go- we are forever free Stratovarius, Forever Free, Visions Zitieren
Saru Titmouse Geschrieben 22. Oktober 2002 Geschrieben 22. Oktober 2002 Elles, das klingt gut dazu Fotos von weiten Ebenen angucken *träum* Zitieren
Mondkalb Geschrieben 24. Oktober 2002 Geschrieben 24. Oktober 2002 alae! so, dann werde ich mal romantisch. es ist ein lied von marc almond von der cd the stars wie are. es heißt these my dreams are yours. i'm a labyrinth of hopes and fears of tears of frustration and of anger but if you can break through this wall and search amongst it all you'll find a man there who has a heart of love who is afraid of getting jaded growing older who needs someone to loe him through life's winter when the weather grows a little colder i know i have a darker side a cruel streak i'm selfish and demanding but i'm a man with a vision it just takes a little understanding an in my hand the grains of sand a thousand million moments of emotion oh these oh these my dreams are yours i'm a boat well rocked by wave and wind i've sinned, i'd win no prizes for perfection but ar best i've given all my all my shoulder for your tears and your protection and if one day i don't wake up remember i was good upon reflektion and if thes say i was a fool be cool but demand correction and in my hand the grains of sand a thousand million moments of emotion oh these oh these my dreams are yours you can have my smiles my tears my wishes here's a fortune to adorn you i'll whisper in the night to you promise to adore and never scorn you and as we grow a little older try to understand more of each other i will be your golden eye your master of ilusion or just your lover i'll be a dragonfly, a butterfly a secret or a little lie to test you a song a verse a lullaby a symphony once in a while to try and impress you i'll take your heart to the limit the colours of my joy my tears to dress you but sometimes dear my heart's my own idon't wish to exclude you or distress you but darling in my hand the grains of sand a thousand million moments of emotion oh these oh these my dreams are yours sorry, dass der text so lange geworden ist. atenio Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 26. Oktober 2002 Autor Geschrieben 26. Oktober 2002 @Moka: wow! Hier noch was schönes: She is gone leaves are falling down the tear maiden will not return the seal of oblivion is broken And a pure Love`s been turned into sin At the dawn of our living time hope may cover all cries truth lurks hidden in the shadows dreams might be filled with lies Soon there will be night pain remains inside Suddenly it seemed so clear all the blindness was taken away she closed her eyes and she called out my name she was never seen again Harvest of sorrow your seed is grown in a frozen world full of cries when the ray of light shrinks shall cold winter nights begin She is gone And I fall from grace No healing charm covers my wounds fooled `s the dawn And so I am Fooled by life and a bitter doom To bring you the end of the day At the dawn of our living time Hope it soon will pass by Facing a darkness I stand alone Harvest of sorrow your seed is grown in a frozen world full of cries when the ray of light shrinks shall cold winter nights begin Ich finde es seehr schön! von: BLIND GUARDIAN Titel: Harvest of Sorrow Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 26. Oktober 2002 Autor Geschrieben 26. Oktober 2002 Und das noch: When you`re walking on your own When you`re broken and alone You may feel us from inside - on the other side of life Avantasia the Metal Opera The seven angels (glaub ich so aus dem Kopf) Zitieren
Gast Nienna Geschrieben 10. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 10. Dezember 2002 Vielleicht nicht der poetischste Text, aber er hat mich bewegt. Und das ist ja auch was Werde ihn meiner Schwester eingerahm zu Weihnachten schenken... brother i find my brother in there deep in my heart i find my brother in there hold in my arms i love you and if i seem too quiet now there are no words to tell you how i love you i often feel like the prodigal son take all i need giving back none our beauty shows in such different ways you're like the light behind the fog so bright but still you burn my eyes away (chorus) so much has changed and so much has happened these years but still i find that you are waiting here we have a bond that nothing can change and still i find a peace of mind whenever i hear your name (toad the wet sprocket) Zitieren
Saru Titmouse Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 des hier is zwar ein ganzes lied wunderschön!! mit musik wirkt des ganze zwar noch viel besser, aber der text is auch schön: Time For Love We've got time to climb a mountain The time to build a wall By the time we finally build it The wall has already fallen But its me and not time to blame That you don't have my last name Lets find the time for love We need the time for us We've got time to cross the oceans The time to fight a war By the time we finish fighting We forgot what we were dying for So many good have lost their lives Why can't we put away the knives And find the time for love We need the time for us I had a strange feeling When I held you last night I could feel you were slipping away If you give me one chance I'll make the wrong I've done right Please give me one more day I'll find the time for love We need the time for us I had this strange feeling When I held you last night I could feel you were slipping away If you give me one chance I'll make the wrong I've done right Please give me one more day Please give me one more day We need one more day (Ronan Keating ) Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Autor Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 So, hier mal das "nonplusultra" *gg* Tomorrow will take us away far from home - no one will ever know our names but the Bards song will remain Tommorrow all will be known And your not allone so dont be afraid in the dark and cold Blind Guardian Bards Song Elles Zitieren
Mortica Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Es gibt viele Texte die mich bewegen, einer der für mich schönsten Songs ist Wonderful World von Louis Armstrong: Wonderful World I see trees of green red roses too I seethem blew for me and you and I think to myself what a wonderful world I see skys of blue and clouds of white the bright bleesed day the dark say good night and I think to myself what a wonderful world The colours of rainbow so pretty in the sky or also faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands sayin "How do you do" hey really say I love you I hear babys cry I watch them grow they want much more and I`ll never know And I think to myself what a wonderful world I think to myself what a wonderful world :-D Zitieren
Gast Nienna Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Wenn schon, denn schon... Cemetary Gates (Pantera) The reverend he turned to me Without a tear in his eyes It's nothing new for him to see I didn't ask him why I will remember The love our souls had Sworn to make Now I watch the falling rain All my mind can see Now is your (face) Well I guess You took my mouth I gave it all away Like the birth of a New-found joy This love would end in rage And when she died I couldn't cry The pride within my soul You left me incomplete Memories now unfold. Believe the word I will unlock my door And pass the Cemetery gates Sometimes when I'm alone I wonder aloud If you're watching over me Some place far abound I must reverse my life I can't live in the past Then set my soul free Belong to me at last Through all those Complex years I thought I was alone I didn't care to look around And make this world my own And when she died I should've cried and spared myself some pain... Left me incomplete All alone as the memories still remain The way we were The chance to save my soul And my concern is now in vain Believe the word I will unlock my door And pass the cemetery gates Zitieren
Gast Aragorns Hero Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2002 Ich möcht auch mal meinen Lieblingstext hier einbringen. Aber nicht lachen, es zur Abwechslung was deutsches und vielleicht mag nicht jeder die Band, aber der Text und das Lied dazu sind einfach nur schön. Geweint vor Glück von PUR Dunkel war der Tunnel, eng, voll blanker Angst. Die Nerven am zerfetzen, innerlich verkrampft. Hoffnung fast verloren, und doch blieb stets dieses Licht. Ganz weit zwar, noch am Ende des Tunnels fest in Sicht. Nie geahnte, neue Kräfte freigesetzt. Gespürt, daß nichts, rein gar nichts den Willen dir ersetzt Hart gestrampelt, dem hellen Ende nah. Plötzlich alles richtig, plötzlich alles klar. Ich hab' geweint vor Glück, geweint vor Glück Alle Dämme brachen, trotzdem blieb die Katastrophe aus Ich hab' geweint vor Glück, geweint vor Glück Hab' mich höchstens meiner Tränen stolz geschämt Ich hab' geweint vor Glück Mit dem Schicksal gehadert und alle Welt verflucht Im Meer aus Selbstmitleid ertränkt und so mein Heil gesucht Zweifelsmarterpfeile quer durch Herz und Hirn Verbissen gegen angekämpft, so gut es eben ging Lenken lernt nur, wer genügend übt Jede Menge Fehler, bis nichts die Richtung trübt Bin angekommen, sei's auch nur am ersten Ziel Alles ist jetzt richtig und gewonnen ist schon viel Ich hab' geweint vor Glück... Ich hab' geweint vor Glück... Zitieren
Gast Silberil Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2002 Zuerst mein Lieblinstext in Deutsch... *zwinker @Ari* Ist von Rosenstolz: Achterbahn Ich kann nicht mehr Ich will nicht mehr Ich weiß nicht wohin Ich lebe einen Albtraum Ich träume nur von Horror Und weiß nicht wer ich bin Die Welt ist nicht mehr rund für mich Geh nur noch geradeaus Die Welt ist nicht mehr bunt an sich Weiß weder rein noch raus Ich will zurück ins Karussell Ich will zurück zur Achterbahn Ich will zurück aufs Riesenrad Und wieder angstlos fahr´n Ich lach nicht mehr Ich heul nicht mehr Ersauf in Einheitsbrei Am Ende dieser Leiter Komm ich nicht mehr weiter Erstick im Einerlei Und auf Englisch, einer von vielen Lieblinstexten... *schmacht* Von Blackmore's Night: No Second Chance My diamond's clouded over where it used to shine like light, And the day keeps running faster, Into the arms of night... The stitches on the tapestry say, "Everything in time, Will find it's way home again," But I'm tired of crying... No Second Chances Don't knock on my door There won't be any answer I won't be here no more... This house we had together Might still be in its place But the rest of this is much too hard to face, There'll be No Second Chance... Lovely moonlit hours we spent Walking on the beach, We'd gaze up at the stars, I swear they were in our reach... But time... it went on, Minutes... they ran too fast. Like you they were gone... Into the past.... Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2002 Autor Geschrieben 12. Dezember 2002 Give it to me I must have it Precious treasure I deserve it Where can I run How can I hide The silmarils? Gems of treelight Their life belongs to me Oh its sweet how the Darkness floating on We are following the will of the one Through the dark age and into the storm And we are following the will of the one Through the dark age and into the storm Lord I`m mean Blackheart show me What you hold in hand I still hunger for more Release me From my pain Give it to me How I need it How I need it How I need it Where can I run How can I hide The silmarils? Gems of treelight Their life belongs to me Oh its sweet how the Darkness floating on We are following the will of the one Through the dark age and into the storm And we are following the will of the one Through the dark age and into the storm Lord I`m mean I did my part Now its your turn And remember What you promised Wieder Blind Guardian: Into the storm Zitieren
Saru Titmouse Geschrieben 17. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 17. Dezember 2002 auchn tolles Lied: This is the long goodbye Somebody tell me why Two lovers in love can make it Just what kind of love keeps breaking our hearts No matter how hard I try You're gonna make me cry Come on baby it's over let's face it All that's happening here is a long goodbye der Chorus von 'Long Goodbye' von Ronan Keating - Editiert von Saru am 17.12.2002, 19:59 - Zitieren
Anastasia Geschrieben 17. Dezember 2002 Geschrieben 17. Dezember 2002 Also mein Lieblingstext is wohl der hier (denke ich ) every morning I wake up and I'm laying next to you I wanna thank god and the devil for sending you cause you're my girl, my wife, my sis, mother of my son good and evil, yin and yang everything combined in one you're my favourite color and the air that I breath all day you like a drug when I feel fucked up you´ve come to save my day one in a million like a pearl that´s so hard to find I'm so happy I met you and so thankful that you're mine. What we got is so special (special) A million people could search their whole life long. No words can express the way that I feel, that's why I wrote you this song (be)cause I'm nothing If you're not by my side (You give me love, when I don't deserve it cause you know that's when I need it the most) (be)cause I'm nothing If you're not by my site (Baby girl, I love you more than I ever thought i could and it´s allright) since I know you my world is perfect what have I done to deserve you you're like a godess to my eyes you make me cry when I want to and smile when I can´t If I got nothing to say I know you'll understand Baby I will kill for you would give up everything I got just to stay with you for a lifetime believe it or not I love everything you do and would do anything for you and I know you feel the same way too. 4lyn, pearls and beauty; und was ich auch noch ganz gern mag is aus dem Moulin Rouge Soundtrack vin Ewan McGregor&Nicole Kidman aus dem Elephant Love Medley dieser "dialog" (Gesungen natürlich...) Nicole: You, You will be mean Ewan: No, I won´t Nicole: And I, I´ll drink all the time Ewan: We should be Lovers Nicole: We can´t do that Ewan: We should be Lovers, And that´s a fact - Editiert von Anastasia am 17.12.2002, 20:08 - Zitieren
Neniel Tindómerel Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Hier etwas von Laureena McKennitt (1993); vielleicht zu sentimental für einige, aber ich liebe es sehr: "The Dark Night Of The Soul" Upon a darkened night the flame of love was burning in my breast And by a lantern bright I fled my house while all in quiet rest. Shrouded by the night and by the secret star I quickly fled The veil concealed my eyes while all within lay quiet as the dead. Chorus: Oh night thou was my guide oh night more loving than the rising sun Oh night that joined the lover to the beloved one transforming each of them into the other. Upon that misty night in secrecy, beyond such mortal sight Without a guide or light than that which burned so deeply in my heart. That fire t’was led me on and shone more bright than the midday sun To where he waited still it was a place where no one else could come. Oh night thou was my guide… Within my pounding heart which kept itself entirely for him He fell into his sleep beneath the cedars all my love I gave From o’er the fortress walls the wind would brush his hair against his brow And with its smoothest hand caressed my every sense it would allow. Oh night thou was my guide… I lost myself to him and laid my face upon my lovers breast And care and grief grew dim as in the mornings mist became the light There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair, there they dimmed amongst the lilies fair, there they dimmed amongst the lilies fair… Zitieren
Gast Lake Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 da ich in GothicBereich bewandert bin könnte ich das Forumzuposten mit extrem melancholischen wundervollen Liedern (lake of teaaaarsss !! aber was mich schwer beeindruckt hat war Gaia von Stratovarius, wie wir mit unseren Planeten umgehn Time waits for no one. So they say. It goes on, forever. The tears of pain I see in your eyes How can we change for the better? Hate and greed`s getting stronger day by day Injustice rules the world Killing the lungs of the Earth .... How far are we prepared to go? I have seen the Light. It came into my life. There´s no second chance. We should have learned by now. But it´s not too late to change the course. There´s so much more than this, oh Mother Gaia. Can you see, can you feel all the beauty that we have in this world? There´s so much to see, forever. Ignorance, arrogance Keep us from being ourselves, so we just follow our leaders - Why ?!? Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Autor Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Das Lied heißt aber "Mother Gaia" ;-) Zitieren
Gast Lake Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 stimmt - mina culpa "Gaia" war von Tiamat, aber auch ein schönes lied zum nachdenken .... Zitieren
elles Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Autor Geschrieben 12. Januar 2003 Hehe, kenn ich leider (noch) nich... :-O Zitieren
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