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Parma Eldalamberon 23 — The Feanorian Alphabet (Part 2) & Eldarin Pronouns


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Nach langem Warten ist jetzt Parma Eldalamberon 23 fertig :cheerl::bounce: Diese Ausgabe veröffentlicht Texte von Tolkien zu den Tengwar, Pronomen und ein bisschen was zu den Mutationen im Sindarin.

Aus Christopher Gilsons Ankündigung:


Parma Eldalamberon, No. 23, The Feanorian Alphabet, Part 2 & Eldarin Pronouns by J. R. R. Tolkien, is now available on demand.

The Feanorian Alphabet, Part 2
edited by Arden R. Smith.

Three later versions of the description of this writing system dating from approximately 1948 to 1951.  (The earlier version was published in Parma 22.)  Four modes are described in detail representing usage in different regions of Middle-earth — Beleriandic, Númenórean, Arnorian, and Gondorian — and their application to the Noldorin, Westron, and English languages.  Transcriptions incorporate scanned images of the invented letters and examples.

Eldarin Pronouns
edited by Christopher Gilson.

“Qenya Personal Pronouns” — This is part of a Qenya Grammar from the 1940s, describing the forms and grammar of the personal pronouns.  There are also two incomplete revised versions.
“Demonstrative, Relative, and Correlative Stems” — This closely contemporary text describes the forms and grammar of non-personal pronouns in Quenya.

“Eldarin Personal Pronouns” — This document from the early 1950s describes the etymological origin of the Quenya personal pronouns from Common Eldarin bases.

“Eldarin Pronouns, Demonstrative and Correlatives” — In this revision and elaboration, dating from the late 1950s, Tolkien began to incorporate etymological explanations for demonstrative pronouns as well.

“Common Eldarin Article” — This typescript from 1968 or 1969 describes the etymological origin of the Quenya and Sindarin definite articles from the Common Eldarin demonstrative pronoun; the usage of the article in Quenya; and the consonant mutations associated with the article in the grammar of Sindarin.



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