Gast TuomasH Geschrieben 21. August 2006 Geschrieben 21. August 2006 Hi, My name is Tuomas Hirvonen and Im assembling a book of texts of all the writers, amateurs or pro, of the world.We are trying to set a record of most authors ever and even try to get to Guinness book of records. Please visit my page and read more. Only the bests texts will be added. You can write what ever style you like, as long as its connected to the base text. And please spread the word of this book in any writing forums you know. We need all the writers there are! Best regards Tuomas Zitieren
Gast Amarie Geschrieben 21. August 2006 Geschrieben 21. August 2006 Hullo TuomasH! I´ve seen your page already, but I have a question. Is this story already started? If yes, then where is it? People don´t know what to write if they don´t see it. It cmay also be my mistake, that I dont see the story (if there is one). Perhaps I overseen it or didn´t find the Link... Zitieren
Glamdring Geschrieben 30. August 2006 Geschrieben 30. August 2006 @Amarie:Ik glob dat findest unter "Read the Book". So wie das aussieht ist das aber noch nicht gerade viel. Soll das irgendwie ne Verarsche sein oder hat er nur im Tolkienforum angefragt, so dass keiner sich jemals auf seiner Seite hat sehen lassen? Zitieren
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