orleans Geschrieben 1. Februar 2008 Geschrieben 1. Februar 2008 Basic Rules: The main pairing and focus of the story/artwork has to be Erestor and Glorfindel. You can have other side pairings, or Erestor & Glorfindel in different relationships, but they have to be together at some point in the story, and be the mainpairing/focus of that story. All other characters are SECONDARY to Erestor and Glorfindel, even if those characters that are partnered with Erestor and/or Glorfindel. Other than that, let your minds go wild! AU, Mpreg, set in Gondolin, Imladris, Grey Havens, across the sea, modern day, anything goes! They can be young, VERY old, dead, re-born, re-incarnated whatever! Doesn’t matter. It’s up to you! It has to be a one-off story. You can only have multi-parts, provided it is all written within the time frame of the competition, and it is all posted at one time. Meaning that you post chapter 10 at the same time as you post chapter 1! You must save all the chapters until the story is complete and post it all at the same time. The story must be properly structured – it must contain a beginning, middle and end. It cannot be left to be continued at a later date. Though if you chose to do a sequel later on, I will not stop you. However, for the purposes of this competition your story must be able to stand alone. There is no minimum or maximum length. Whenever you, the author, feels the story has reached its climax, is when it is time to end. There is no limit to the amount of times you can enter. Your story/picture has to be original and written/drawn within the timeframe of this competition. It cannot have been posted before. However, if you are submitting a picture, the image protrayed may be from a scene from an old story, however the pictures itself must be new. If there is more than one author/artist that worked upon an award-winning story/picture, the coinciding prize shall be split up between them. Posting/Entering: This competition will be run on LiveJournal (LJ) at the specially created community: http://community.livejournal.com/glorestor/ Please note, you will need to JOIN the community, not just friend it in order to post. You must email me your story when it is complete too: morgenne.kemp@students.vu.edu.au You must post your story at the LJ Community. Please do not post anything other your stories here unless it is absolutely necessary. If you do not have a LJ account and do not wish to attain one please tell me in your email and I shall post on your behalf. There is a yahoo group - http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/glorestor/ - for any discussions that you want to have. You may also post your works there. All entries must be in by no later than 11:59pm GMT August 31st, 2008. For more information (about prizes and such) please have a look here: http://community.livejournal.com/glorestor/ Zitieren
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